August 27-31

This week, students are working on increasing their stamina in writing through 10-minute quickwrites. Each day, students are encouraged to beat their own word count from the previous day, and we celebrate achievement! Topics are engaging and ideas from quickwrites can be used in later essay assignments.

Students are also able to enter their universal screener (benchmark) answers into DMAC this week. That data will help me determine who might benefit from tutorials.

We are also reviewing commas and students have been assigned a diagnostic and practice at

Advanced students have an SAT Vocabulary test and their responses to the Article of the Week is due on Friday.

August 20-24

Students are taking a universal screening assessment this week to determine where they are academically and who might benefit from tutorials. In addition, we will discussion reasons we write, where we get ideas, how we keep track of our ideas, and types of writing. WRITING IS RELEVANT to every subject!

Welcome Back!

The first day back for students is this Thursday, August 16. We will spend the first two days getting to know each other, getting organized, and going over classroom procedures and expectations.

We are going to have a great year!

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