October 8-12

MONDAY- Quick-write topic: Mindful Monday – Write about anything that’s on your mind; students will learn more Greek & Latin Roots and add all of the ones covered so far to their comp. books; complete “creating interesting characters” activity in the Google Sheet I shared in Google Classroom.

TUESDAY- Quick-write topic: Tell-Me Tuesday – Tell me about your favorite fictional character; students will create character sketches. They will also join my FlipGrid and create videos.

WEDNESDAY- Quick-write topic: Write about a conflict you had with a friend or family member; Creating Conflict activity (for upcoming novel writing during NaNoWriMo).

THURSDAY- Warm-up: read and take note of the plot of the book; Plot Roller Coaster.

FRIDAY- Warm-up: First-Chapter Friday (I will read the first chapter of a book aloud to spark student interest); finish up all activities from this week & hopefully have some time in class for students to READ!


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